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Types Of Employees

There are 2 types of employees:

At the early stages, this rare group of individuals is the core of the company. As your startup scales, they are your leaders. They should be cherished, recruited, and the mindset encouraged in other employees.


Invest in your relationships with these people, and in the people themselves. Stay informed about who falls into in this group and what they are thinking.

Value interviews

A values interview helps you determine if the candidate is going to be a match with the core values of the company. These interviews should be done by the founding team, or as you scale, by mitochondria that are already working at the company.

To be clear, interviewing for values doesn’t guarantee you’ll hire mitochondria. But if you don’t interview for values nor communicate the importance of your values during the interview process, your hiring process is suboptimal at best.

→ Source: https://medium.com/@sarahtavel/the-mitochondria-in-startups-dc6c33e09d99