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Preferred Work Environment

How Type Affects Career Exploration

How you go about exploring career options will be influenced by your INTJ preferences. Your type will help you in your career exploration activities in distinct ways, just as it may present some distinct challenges for you.

An INTJ tends to find career satisfaction with careers that have the following characteristics:

When exploring career options, an INTJ will often

How Type Affects Career Development

The career development process will be influenced by INTJ preferences. Career development almost always involves coping with new demands that do not come naturally to you and often requires working and communicating with people with different preferences. At times, career change can be a beneficial stimulus to further development of your type. Type development means knowing and accepting your natural preferences and then consciously choosing to use nonpreferred preferences in certain situations when appropriate. Listed below are some typical strengths of and challenges faced by INTJs, as well as some suggestions for development.

During their job search, an ESTJ will often:

During an interview, an INTJ will often:

INTJ and Work

At work, the INTJ will often:

At work, the INTJ should be aware that they may:


On a team, the INTJ will often:

On a team, the INTJ should be aware that they may:


An INTJ often has a natural inclination towards leadership and will often seek out these types of positions.

As a leader, the INTJ will often:


The INTJ will often:

The INTJ should be aware that they may need to:

Decision Making

When it comes to decision making, the INTJ will often:


An INTJ will often experience stress when:

When affected by stress, an INTJ will often:

Advice: An INTJ can reduce stress by: