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What is OKR

OKR (Object and Key Result) is a management methodology, an outcome-driven tracking framework.

Object: is a goal we want to achieve

Key Results: are a set of explaination for how will we know we are getting there.

For example

In Q1/2018 DF’s objective is want to build a strong backend team, so “build a strong backend team” is an object, to accomplish that, we will hire 2 senior backend developers and organize 1 training session per week, each of them is a key result to let us know whether we are getting to our objective or not. So our OKR in foundation level will look like this.


After that, in team level, the HR team will know what they will do in the next 3 months (Hire 2 senior backend team), so it will be their objective.


Finally, in individual level, each staff from HR team will know their objective.


Keys to OKR

It is one of the most important thing in OKR, every key result of an object must be measurable because it is the only thing will let us know whether we a getting close to our objective or we just playing around

It’s not a key result unless it has a number - Marissa Mayer ( CEO of yahoo )

So we will say “i will launch this project in August” instead of say “i will launch this project as soon as i can

The ideal point is 0.6 - 0.7 point . You may ask why it’s not 0.9 or 1, well if it seems easy either your objectives are not ambitious enough or you did it wrong

Why is it better than normal KPI indicators?

The main goal of OKRs is to connect company, team and personal objectives to measurable results, making people move together in right direction.

First, and most importantly, the company must have conviction around goal setting. This commitment needs to come from all levels: the CEO, the senior leadership team, and every team member within the company. That’s the best way to ensure success. - John Doerr

We’d only focus on the right result leads to our objectives, keep track of the progress and know that we are moving in the right direction

We’d simply get in touch with the people you’d need to work with on these projects and find a common ground with them so that the work ended up on each person’s OKR list.

How to apply OKR to team Foundation

The process

  1. Brainstorm session: before the beginning of quarter, we will think the Quarter objectives
  2. Company-wide communicate: let everyone know what the objectives for the next quarter
  3. Draft personal okr

Use OKR with Hygger Board

Hygger: https://dwarvesv.hygger.io/b/64499

Appendix: What else we should read?

  1. https://blog.betterworks.com/keys-okr-success-qa-john-doerr/
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJB83EZtAjc