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Why MMA?

We believe in measuring what truly matters. At Dwarves, we don’t track hours or count lines of code. Instead, we focus on three dimensions that together create a complete picture of professional growth: Mastery, Meaning, and Autonomy (MMA).

This framework helps us evaluate performance while creating a culture where everyone can thrive. It’s not about checking boxesit’s about understanding and developing the whole professional.

The three pillars

Mastery: Your technical journey

Mastery is about your technical expertise and commitment to growth. We look for deep technical knowledge in your domain, active learning and staying current with industry trends, and sharing knowledge through documentation and mentoring. We value those who take pride in code quality and craftsmanship, and who seek opportunities to mentor and teach others.

Think of it like this: Are you the person others come to for technical guidance? Do you actively seek ways to improve your craft?

Meaning: Your impact

Meaning reflects your connection to the bigger picture. It’s about understanding how your work contributes to larger goals and finding purpose in both open-source and enterprise projects. We value those who contribute to the broader tech community, align their personal values with professional work, and make a positive impact through technology.

Ask yourself: Does your work matter to you beyond the paycheck? Are you building something that makes a difference?

Autonomy: Your initiative

Autonomy measures your ability to work independently and take ownership. We value those who proactively identify and solve problems, take initiative without waiting for instructions, and manage their time and priorities effectively. Clear and transparent communication, along with consistent, high-quality delivery, are key indicators of autonomy.

Consider: Are you someone who sees what needs to be done and does it? Do you take ownership of your work?

How MMA works in practice

We use MMA to guide growth and recognize achievement. Here’s how it works:

First, we use MMA to guide career development, helping identify growth areas and create personalized development paths. Second, we assess performance across technical skills, purpose alignment, and self-direction. Third, we acknowledge excellence through specific roles and rewards. Finally, we create opportunities to develop in all three dimensions.

Recognition through roles

We’ve created specific roles to recognize different aspects of MMA. The @labs role recognizes those whose technical expertise stands out. The @sers role celebrates those whose contributions to work and community make a difference. The @chad role acknowledges those who consistently deliver quality results with minimal supervision.

These roles aren’t just titlesthey’re recognition of your growth and impact.

The evaluation process

We take a balanced approach to evaluation. Our ops head looks at operational effectiveness and team contribution, accounting for 20% of the assessment. Line managers assess day-to-day performance and project delivery, contributing 30% of the evaluation. Leadership reviews overall impact and strategic alignment, making up the remaining 50%.

This multi-perspective approach ensures a fair and thorough assessment of your growth.

Creating the right environment

MMA helps us build a culture where everyone can find purpose in their work. We celebrate technical excellence and share it freely. People have the freedom to innovate and create, while growth remains continuous and self-directed. We measure impact in both technical and human terms.

Remember: MMA isn’t about checking boxesit’s about creating an environment where you can thrive while contributing to something meaningful. It’s about measuring what matters, not what’s easy to count.

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