Effective meeting
To increase flexibility in how and where employees at Dwarves work, we agree on a shared set of constraints for group work and meetings.
Using the right Scheduling tool for meeting
- For meetings that only include internal recipients, it should be scheduled on Basecamp in the correct project/team and inform the people related. If it is all-hands meeting it should be schedule on Woodlands and inform the whole company.
- For meetings that have clients or people outside of the organization, an extra invitation should be sent out using Google Calendar
Meetings start on time
If you’re leading a meeting, it’s your responsibility to start the meeting on time. If you’re attending a meeting, you are responsible for showing up on time.
Meetings happen in regular hours
All team members should make themselves available for face-to-face meetings between 10 am - 4 pm, as long as they are scheduled at least 24 hours in advance. If a meeting needs to happen outside of these hours, the meeting organizer should schedule it a week in advance.
Meetings should have a video option
- If you’re hosting a meeting with a remote worker invited, it’s your responsibility to provide a video link before the meeting starts for them to join.
- If you’re attending a meeting remotely, you should join the video call before a meeting begins. It’s your responsibility to ensure this is possible — this means being in a quiet place with a fast internet connection before the meeting starts. Calling into a meeting via phone or from a public place is unacceptable.
- For some meetings, voice calls will be sufficient - this decision is up to the meeting organizer when they create the meeting.
Responsiblities in the meeting
- Everyone is encouraged to contribute ideas to address problems and come up with solutions
- If you do not agree with anything in the meeting, please raise and resolve it. After the agreement comes out, we have to follow what we agreed in the meeting to execute it. The team does not accept any execution out of the agreement.
Prerequisites for successful meetings
The following things are pre-requisites for successful group work:
- A fast, reliable internet connection. Remote employees should make all efforts to mitigate video call lag.
- A quiet and private (must be if the condition meets) place to take meetings. If the meeting team is sitting with other people because of the limit of office space, the others who are not invited to the meeting have to respect the meeting team, please do not join the discussion or contribute any idea. Do not babble.
If you’re planning to work with another person on the team (i.e., for a meeting during meeting hours or to pair program), you should make sure these are available.
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