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People Operations

The Culture

How to pronounce the company name?

Dwarf is one of the hardest words to pronounce to the non-English speaker, but that’s what made we special.

Just in case people don’t get it?

We can give them the alias email @d.foundation

Do we have a theme song?

An intern randomly suggested not an official one but a theme song in 2017 DragonForce - Three Hammers

One word to describe Dwarves Foundation value?

Software Craftsmanship

One word to describe Dwarves Foundation?

Empower Innovation with Software Craftsmanship

Do we have HR?

We don’t have the HR department. We aim to build a flat and transparent organization where everything runs around the mission. The Ops team takes care of hiring and training their team members.

We only have an admin to take care of the paperwork. If you have any question, you can ask your team lead or the admin.

How about the working hours?

We care about the quality of the work we produce rather than the number of hours worked. However if you prefer to have a fixed schedule, we recommend to start at 8am and end at 5pm as stated in Flexible Working Hours

How about the dress code?

We don’t really have the dress code, but everyone is expected to be well-groomed and wear clean clothing, free of holes, tears, or other signs of wear.

Clothing with offensive or inappropriate designs or stamps is not allowed. Clothing should not be too revealing.

Employee Contract

As our employees demand having a credit card or borrowing from the bank, which requires proof of income, our team supports members by providing the proof of income letter and labor contract.

How does the team provide proof of income letter?

We will provide either or both types of the contract, depending on the individual, to certify your monthly income:

Who should I contact to get the proof of income?

Please open a ticket and ping @Gthan and @hnh.

How can I get the form for the proof of income letter?

Please ask the bank to provide the desired form for the income verification letter.

Team Email

Dwarves Team uses Google Mail service to provide a true mailbox for members working on the client side. For others, the team will provide a virtual mailbox using the alias which is forwarded to the personal mailbox.

How to access email alias?

How to send email using alias?


Education Allowance

The Education Allowance is part of our Benefits & Perks package designed to support your growth through learning and experimenting with new technologies. You will receive an annual budget to help you achieve your learning and development goals, whether it’s for books, courses, or conferences.

If you’re interested in taking classes that you feel will improve you professionally or personally, here’s what you need to know:

Who is eligible to receive it?

This benefit is available to any full-time Dwarf who has been with us for more than 6 months.

What is the limit?

You have a $300 annual stipend for your educational pursuits.

How do I submit a request?

To get approval, you need to provide some form of output, such as a certificate (for courses) or a report (for conferences). Once approved, you will receive the reimbursement through Woodland > Expense.

Bao Minh Insurance

Bao Minh Insurance is a health insurance provided by Bao Minh Company. All employees have a quota for medical check-ups based on specific categories.

Basic conditions for receiving the Bao Minh Health Insurance card for full-time employees

Starting in 2023, the team switched to using Bao Minh virtual cards for easier use and information storage.

How will the insurance card be received?

How to use the Bao Minh virtual card?

How can I submit an insurance claim?

Medical fee guarantee hours

Who should I contact for questions about insurance policies or claims?

Finance Operations


Which date will we receive the salary/paycheck/allowance?

You get the paycheck on the 1st or the 15th of the month depend on your joined day.

Can we use another application rather than Wise to receive payroll?

Yes, you can use other banking services as long as it has USD account details.

What should I do when the payroll date passed for several days, but I didn’t receive a payslip?

If the payroll date passed for several days and you haven’t received payment, open a support ticket in the Discord channel and the ops team will contact you shortly.

Can I receive payroll in USDT?

Yes, but we do not encourage you to do it. Because the team’s liquidity is limited, we will approve case by case to support employees receiving the payslip.


Wise is a digital banking service that allows users to set up accounts to send and receive funds in different currencies. We use Wise as a salary payment method, therefore, every employee is required to open a Wise account to receive a payslip.

How to activate Wise balance?

When will I receive the payslip from Wise?

Sometimes Wise proceeds transactions randomly to make sure they are clean, so it may take 3-4 days for the payslip to reach your account.

If after 7 days from the payroll date you haven’t received any notification from Wise, please open a support ticket so then the ops team can investigate further into the matter further.

Project Operations

General questions

Any interesting projects that we are working on?

I suppose you can go to Fortress to view all of that information and if you want to join any of them, you can ask the team lead.

How about my career path?

You can check up the Making a Career section where we’ve mapped our trajectory of mastery to six different levels.

What are we heading to this month?

Planning is guessing. It’s why we don’t really have a business plan. However, we do have an all-hands meeting every months that you can join and get updated.

Can I work on my friend project?

We have a short note on this topic Moonlighting.

Where can I copy the email signature?

We build a small web app for it: sign.d.foundation.

How to raise an issue?

Depend on the particular circumstances, you can follow the section Raising an Issue or just post a pitch to Basecamp.

We also have the anonymous feedback form for those who’re shy. Check the Woodland HQ message board.

Project Bonus

Essentially, anyone participating in project consulting will receive a bonus. If certain projects have extra bonuses for the team, there will be an announcement beforehand on a case-by-case basis. Bonuses are calculated and allocated based on the customer’s billing.

When will the project bonus be received?

Project bonuses are received monthly after the client has paid the bill.

How is it calculated?

The bonus from the client is evenly distributed among all members participating in the project, including the account manager, project manager (PM), and delivery manager (DM).

What is the responsibility of the Project Lead?

If the lead receives a bonus but other team members do not, it’s because the lead has extra responsibilities and a bigger role in the project’s success.

The lead manages the project, makes key decisions, and ensures goals are met, which justifies the additional pay. The team might review and share the bonus policy for transparency and motivation.

What are the criteria for receiving an account/project bonus?

To receive an account or project bonus, you must:

Bonuses are based on your impact on the project and how much you contribute to its goals.

Refferal bonus

My friend who I referred to the company has already completed her probation period and finished her first month with the company. Why have I not received my referral bonus?

Our goal is to ensure that projects meet our quality standards. We may ask an engineer to join a project as a supporter at first, in order to learn the ropes under his or her mentor/lead.

As soon as the engineer is ready to work on his or her own, we’ll convert him or her into a full-time team member and begin charging clients for his or her billable hours. For more information, please check out How We Hire.