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It's a wrap: 2021 in Review

Hey, it’s Han and Nikki in your inbox again. On behalf of the entire Dwarves team, happy 2022!

For us 2021 is eventful, and memorable. It was full of changes and challenges, but our can-do mindset made us gritty. While we didn’t have all the answers, we decided to just try and do. As we state in our Agile Minifesto: fail fast, learn often, and it’s okay to start over.

The results were beyond our expectation. We got to collaborate with several great clients and partners, including Setel, Momos, Mudah, Attrace, SP Group, Vietcetera, WeBuild and many more. We automated most of our operations using Notion, Basecamp and our very own self-built Fortress. We formed a team specialized in blockchain & web3. And along the way, we did everything we can to level up our team.

We wouldn’t have made it without everyone reading this email right now. So to say, we’re incredibly grateful to you, the one trusting us enough to offer us those dream collaborations, evangelizing our services and participate in helping us scaling and up-leveling our team.

2021 - a year of innovative reconstruction, dream collaborations and our journey to be better

In numbers

In timeline

More room for like-minded people

As long as it’s someone who is good at what they do and sees things the same way we do, then it’s a yes - we’d love to have you here!

Our people is our greatest asset. That’s why most of our effort goes into hiring the right people, giving them our absolute support to grow with us.

Advancing in tech

Throughout 2021, our bet was on the Web3, the Open Internet, and the next-gen automation software using AI and Big Data.

New business directions and new partnerships

We’re at a stage where we have the chance to get involved in different kinds of projects. Our new business direction and project decisions brought us to:

Also, now you can visit Dwarves and have a good time at 4 different locations in Vietnam; HCMC, Danang, Hanoi, Dalat.

So what’s in store for 2022?

As a profitable and fast-moving company, the possibilities ahead of us are limitless. Dwarves 2.0 for us is about finding a great mix of quality and quantity, and becoming greater at what we are already good at.

That’s just a small part in our backlog, we are going to try our hands at many different things.

Here’s to many more great products, meaningful partnerships and friendships, experiments and experiences, challenges and opportunities.

Onward and upward,

Han & Nikki.