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What's New in June 2024

The growing of memo pile

With the focus on Mastery, Meaning, and Autonomy (MMA) has driven significant growth in our brainery. This is evident from the increase in content submitted by our contributors on areas for work delivery, and foundational knowledge.

memo.d.foundation, is creating a rich resource that both internal and community members can benefit from. Last month, Dwarves’ team members added several new entries from LLM, design patterns to blockchain concepts. Dwarves monthly rewards will be equally shared among all contributors.

  1. A Tour of Template method pattern with Golang - @anhnh
  2. Multimodal in RAG - @hoangnnh
  3. Bloom filter - @hoangnnh
  4. Command, State Pattern, and Radix sort - @hieuvd
  5. Go Weekly: Mastering Go performance - @phatnt
  6. Using devbox to setup local development environment by @hnh, @bienvh
  7. Organize team know-how with the Zettenlkasten method - @minh_cloud
  8. How to talk to ChatGPT effectively - @minh_cloud
  9. Dynamic Liquidity Market Maker - a new form of concentrated liquidity AMM on Solana -@huymaius
  10. Introduce Solana Token 2022 - @huymaius
  11. Solana core concepts - huymaius
  12. Market Report May - @thanh, @tom
  13. How to make an MOC - @thanh
  14. A tour of Singleton design pattern with Golang - @anhnh
  15. Going through use cases of the prototype design pattern and it place among the creational pattern - @.rjim
  16. Introduce builder pattern and its use cased by @vincent
  17. Explaining gradient descent in ML - @innno_

Enable reward for the learning system

Dwarves has always been a playground for techies, where learning and sharing go hand-in-hand. The increase in valuable content shared by our team and community members deserves greater recognition and rewards.

To keep the momentum going, we’ve upped the ICY rewards for our learning activities.

Multiple activities are going on at 🧊・earn-icy:

Everyone in the community is welcome to join hands.

Dwarves token usage for June

Our community’s engagement has been exceptional this month, reflected in the active use of Dwarves Token. We don’t limit any roles to join us; more room means more participants.

In June alone, ~500 ICY were rewarded for all contributions, highlighting:

With notable contributors:

Kudos to those peeps who are top contributors, @hieuvd, @thanh, @tom.

Dwarves office hours at 5PM every Friday

Our OGIF sessions continue to be a hit. These Friday afternoon talks are a chance for team members to share their knowledge on various topics.

We have discussed:

We have distributed 175 ICY for OGIF in June.

Building a network of trusted partners in Vietnam’s tech ecosystem

We’re monitoring developments in Vietnam’s tech landscape. Despite global economic challenges, Vietnam’s tech market is thriving, making it an attractive hub for startups and investors.

By connecting key players in the ecosystem, this report aims to establish a network of trusted partners who can collaborate and drive mutual growth.

Key highlights include: