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What's New in July 2021

We’re closing July with some notable highlights. Let’s go through them.

🚨 Note: Covid situation is getting worse. Stay safe. 🦠

The pandemic is going stronger than ever. There have been over 100k internal cases in the country until now. Take good care of yourself and your beloved ones. We hope everyone can stay safe.

Finish the shipment for our WFH station

We’ve finished the shipment for all the WFH gear. Since the annual company trip can’t be done this year, we hope it could help make the working vibe more enjoyable. It’s great to know you’re all happy with the new setup.

Your fleeting notes

On July 15, a few of our Dwarves shared a reward pool of $1000 for submitting their fleeting notes to our brainery.

Some even wrote the literature notes. You are awesome. Please keep it up.

The Brainery will be the backbone for our long-term growth

Office hour at Friday, 5pm — Ask the CEO anything

We’re going fully remote. There might be a distance between you and the team. In case you seek guidance or direction on where we want to go, we have dedicated office hours from 4:30 to 6 pm in the Discord AMA stage channel.

Feel free to ask the CEO anything: workload, feature requests, product discussion, or career advice. He’s there to help.

Moving toward Blockchain industry

We’re dipping our toes in the Blockchain pool by partnering with Legend of Fantasy War, a new NFT game project.

Another chance for us to get closer to this rising technology.

Sneak peek at the landing website.

Notion OS: Running our team from Notion pages

Notion is our new document base. We’ve migrated our written document into this, as the new structure would be

What’s next in Aug

Brain Repo: Embedded & IoT R&D We plan to have a study group for IoT and embedded applications. The study group will be led by Trung & Hieu on Discord channel.

Performance review Performance review is starting next week. For those who wish to recognize your accomplishment, please prepare a 1 - 2 page summary to reflect your performance/achievement, following this guide

The value fit

We have a reason to go this far. Everyone has goals and pays attention to their value fit. We encourage the Dwarves to

Moving towards mutual goals is a condition to get along with your teammates. It matters to know what value you can add to the game.

Senior-level hiring

We are hiring again. This would be a massive focus on senior level to upgrade the A-team roster. And we need your help, please spread the message to your network.

Thanks Vy and Hoang for the referral. Thanks everyone else for sharing the post. It works.

Shaping our image

Hey, it’s time to update your LinkedIn, Github or Facebook profile. It makes us look cool as a team.