0) { selectedRecent = recentPages[0]; selectedSection = 'recents'; }">
Reading Mode
- Create slides with Overleaf and ChatGPT
- Optimizing initial load time for a Trading Platform
- Building MVP for AI-driven interview platform
- Hedge Foundation - Optimizing UI for effective investment experience
- Implement Binance Futures PNL analysis page by Phoenix LiveView
- Migrate regular tables into TimescaleDB hypertables to improve query performance
- Database hardening for a trading platform
- Tracking Bitcoin-Altcoin Performance Indicators in BTC Hedging Strategy
- Building a data archive and recovery strategy for high-volume trading system
- Implementing data snapshot pattern to persist historical data
- AI-powered Ruby travel assistant
- Building chatbot agent to streamline project management
- Building data pipeline for OGIF transcriber
- Setup centralized monitoring system for Hedge Foundation trading platform
- Building better Binance transfer tracking
- Reconstructing historical trading PnL: a data pipeline approach
- Transfer mapping: enhancing loggers for better transparency
- Visualizing crypto market performance: BTC-Alt dynamic indicators in Golang
- Project reports system: a case study