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Singleton Design Pattern in Javascript


For global state management in some frameworks like ReactJs; we already have Redux, React Context, Recoil, and Mobx… for handling that. But if we only need the vanilla javascript for handling specific state and avoid using the library to manage the state (like minimizing the bundle-size, avoid on creating too many instances…), we can use the help of design patterns.

What is the Singleton Design Pattern?

Singleton design pattern is the pattern in that we only create one static instance of the class.

Which can be accessed in all components, and functions without recreating or conflicting the instances.


// Filename: singleton.js

class MyNameClass {
  constructor() {

  set name(value) {
    this._name = value

  get name() {
    return this._name

const Singleton = function () {
  let instance

  function createInstance() {
    return new MyNameClass()

  return {
    getInstance: function () {
      if (!instance) {
        instance = createInstance()
      return instance

export const singleton = Singleton()

The createInstance function for creating the instance of MyNameClass.

When requested the instance from MyNameClass, the method getInstance will be invoked. In the getInstance method only creating new MyNameClass when the instance of the class is not created and return the created instance.

// Filename: index.js

import { singleton } from './Singleton'

function main() {
  const instanceOne = singleton.getInstance()
  instanceOne.name = 'John Doe'

  const instanceTwo = singleton.getInstance()
  console.log('The second instance with name: ', instanceTwo.name)
  // Output - The second instance with name: John Doe

  console.log('Is same instance? ', instanceOne === instanceTwo)
  // Output - Is same instance?  true


Pros and Cons




With the only initialized once and can use in the global context, the singleton design pattern is very useful for some specific cases where we only need to store the data that using in the global and fewer changes like database connection, user profile account config…