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Micro Frontends Microservices For Frontend Development

What is Micro-frontend ?

An architectural style where independently deliverable frontend applications are composed into a greater whole


Micro frontends in actions

Build-time integration


  "name": "@shop/container",

  "version": "1.0.0",

  "description": “Ecommerce website",

  "dependencies": {

    "@shop/products": "^1.0.0",

    "@shop/order": "^1.0.0",

    "@shop/user-profile": "^1.0.0"




Run-time integration via iframes






	    <h1>Welcome to Shop</h1>

	    <iframe id="app-container"></iframe>

	    <script type="text/javascript"> const microFrontendsByRoute = {

	        '/': 'https://products.shop.com/index.html',

	        '/order': 'https://order.shop.com/index.html',

	        '/user-profile': 'https://profile.shop.com/index.html',


	      const iframe = document.getElementById('app-container');

	      iframe.src = microFrontendsByRoute[window.location.pathname]; </script>



### Cons

- Difficult to make the page responsive
- Difficult to integrate between different parts of an application, make routing, history, and deep-linking more complicated

## Run-time integration via JavaScript

-  Each micro frontend is included on the page using a `<script>` tag, and upon load exposes a global function as its entry-point. The container application then determines which micro frontend should be mounted, and calls the relevant function to tell a micro frontend when and where to render itself.






    <h1>Welcome to Shop</h1>

    <!-- These scripts don't render anything immediately -->

    <!-- Instead they attach entry-point functions to `window` -->

    <script src="https://products.shop.com/bundle.js"></script>

    <script src="https://order.shop.com/bundle.js"></script>

    <script src="https://profile.shop.com/bundle.js"></script>

    <div id="app"></div>

    <script type="text/javascript"> // These global functions are attached to window by the above scripts

      const microFrontendsByRoute = {

        '/': window.renderProducts,

        '/order': window.renderOrder,

        '/user-profile': window.renderUserProfile,


      const renderFunction = microFrontendsByRoute[window.location.pathname];

      // Having determined the entry-point function, we now call it,

      // giving it the ID of the element where it should render itself

      renderFunction('app'); </script>



Run-time integration via Web Components






    <h1>Welcome to Shop</h1>

    <!-- These scripts don't render anything immediately -->

    <!-- Instead they each define a custom element type -->

    <script src="https://products.shop.com/bundle.js"></script>

    <script src="https://order.shop.com/bundle.js"></script>

    <script src="https://profile.shop.com/bundle.js"></script>

    <div id="app"></div>

    <script type="text/javascript">

  // These element types are defined by the above scripts

      const webComponentsByRoute = {

        '/': 'micro-frontend-products',

        '/order': 'micro-frontend-order',

        '/user-profile': 'micro-frontend-user-profile',


      const webComponentType = webComponentsByRoute[window.location.pathname];

      // Having determined the right web component custom element type,

      // we now create an instance of it and attach it to the document

      const root = document.getElementById('app');

      const webComponent = document.createElement(webComponentType);






Cross-application communication

  1. Custom event
  2. Cross-application communication via routing

Serverside Rendering / Universal Rendering

