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Ditch the Containers: Go Containerless with Devbox

Ditch the Containers: Go Containerless with Devbox

Containers are great, but sometimes they’re overkill. With Devbox Services and Plugins, you can create a sleek, containerless environment for local development. Let’s build a Golang backend to show you how it’s done.

Setting the Stage

First things first, let’s init a Devbox shell:

devbox init

This gives you a bare-bones devbox.json:

  "$schema": "",
  "packages": [],
  "shell": {
    "init_hook": [
      "echo 'Welcome to devbox!' > /dev/null"
    "scripts": {
      "test": [
        "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"

Adding Golang to the Mix

Fire up your Devbox shell and add Go:

devbox shell
devbox add go

Boom! Go is now installed in your project root. Let’s check:

which go
# /Users/you/your-project/.devbox/nix/profile/default/bin/go

The Database Dilemma

Let’s say you’ve got a killer Go API for managing books. You try to run it:

go run main.go
# 2024/07/28 17:00:10 Error connecting to database: "dial tcp connect: operation timed out"
# exit status 1

Oops! No database. But don’t worry, Devbox has your back.

PostgreSQL to the Rescue

Add PostgreSQL to your Devbox:

devbox add postgresql

Devbox doesn’t just install PostgreSQL. It sets up a whole environment:

  • Creates a process-compose.yaml for you
  • Sets up PGHOST and PGDATA environment variables
  • Gives you commands to manage your database

Initialize your database:

initdb --username=yourusername

Fire It Up

Now you’ve got options to start your services:

  • For background mode: devbox services start
  • For monitoring mode: devbox services up

Create your database:

createdb bookstore --username=yourusername --password
# Enter your password when prompted

The Moment of Truth

Update your Go code with the new database details:

const (
    host     = "localhost"
    port     = 5432
    user     = "yourusername"
    password = "yourpassword"
    dbname   = "bookstore"

Run it:

go run main.go
# Successfully connected to the database!
# 2024/07/28 20:43:46 Starting server on :8080

More than just Postgresql

Remember that devbox.json we started with? Forget it. Let’s look at a real-world example that’ll knock your socks off:

  "$schema": "",
  "packages": {
    "github:NixOS/nixpkgs#darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks.CoreText": "",
    "nodejs": "18",
    "pnpm_8": "8.15.9",
    "pkg-config": "0.29.2",
    "pango": {
      "version": "1.52.2",
      "outputs": ["dev"]
    "libpng": "1.6.43",
    "giflib": "5.2.2",
    "librsvg": {
      "version": "2.58.2",
      "outputs": ["dev"]
    "python3": "3.11.9",
    "pixman": "0.43.4",
    "cairo": {
      "version": "1.18.0",
      "outputs": ["dev"]
    "libjpeg": {
      "version": "3.0.3",
      "outputs": ["dev"]
    "elixir": "1.15.7",
    "github:baenv/timescalepg-fake#postgresql": "",
    "redis": "7.2.5",
    "redis-plus-plus": "1.3.12",
    "apacheKafka": {
      "version": "2.13-3.8.0",
      "outputs": ["out"]
    "kafkactl": "5.0.6",
    "zookeeper": "3.9.2"
  // ... (env and shell configurations omitted for brevity)

This isn’t just a configuration file. It’s a manifesto for containerless development.

Breaking It Down

Let’s unpack this beast:

  1. Multiple Languages: Node.js, Python, and Elixir all living in harmony. No “it works on my machine” excuses here.

  2. Precise Versioning: Every package is pinned to a specific version. Reproducibility? Check.

  3. System Libraries: Pango, Cairo, libpng - we’re not just installing runtimes, we’re building a complete system.

  4. Databases and Messaging: PostgreSQL, Redis, and Kafka. A full backend stack without a single docker-compose.yml in sight.

  5. Custom Packages: See that github:baenv/timescalepg-fake#postgresql? That’s a custom package pulled straight from GitHub. Try doing that easily with Docker.

The Magic of Devbox Services

With Devbox Services, you’re not just installing these packages - you’re orchestrating them. Check out these scripts:

"scripts": {
  "zookeeper": "sudo $DEVBOX_PACKAGES_DIR/bin/ --config $KAFKA_CONFIG start-foreground",
  "kafka": "sudo $DEVBOX_PACKAGES_DIR/bin/ $KAFKA_CONFIG/",
  // ... more scripts omitted

Start Zookeeper and Kafka with a simple devbox run zookeeper and devbox run kafka. No Docker, no fuss.

Why This Matters

  1. Speed: No container overhead means faster startup times and lower resource usage.
  2. Flexibility: Need to add a system library? Just add it to your devbox.json. No need to rebuild a Docker image.
  3. Transparency: Everything is defined in one file. No hidden layers, no mysterious base images.
  4. Reproducibility: Every developer gets the exact same environment, down to the system libraries.

The Bottom Line

Containers had their moment. But for local development, Devbox offers a level of control and simplicity that containers can’t match. It’s not just about running your code - it’s about crafting the perfect environment for it to thrive.

Ready to leave containers behind? Give Devbox a shot. Your future self (and your team) will thank you.


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Ditch the Containers: Go Containerless with Devbox
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