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Remote Moderated Usability Testing


It’s a given that the Usability Test is one of the most fundamental undertakings in building a product, which assists with approving the product before launching, reducing effort, and money. Notwithstanding, in the Covid-19 pandemic, it’s difficult to direct a convenience testing up close and personal. Many agencies, including Dwarves Design, are new to the remote testing methods. During the last Work From Home session, our team had an opportunity to make a remote moderated usability testing, although it was the very first time we try this method, the testing went smoothly and we really had an interesting experiment.

Our project

About Purchasing Care

Purchasing Care is one of the market leaders in Purchaser consulting and providing the best services to B2B Purchasing. Pushing ahead, Purchasing Care is hoping to construct a B2B Marketplace to assist undertakings with purchasing and sell with productivity and straightforwardness. This item is worked to give Procurement Support administrations like Vendor Hunt, Purchaser Toolkit, and Suppliers Marketplace.

In this article, we would like to share about the testing of the MVP version of Vendor Hunt’s work. It is an operational tool for Purchaser to source suppliers and manages Vendor Hunt projects. For brand new products, they tend to focus on frequently performed tasks (searching, sourcing supplier). These tasks are crucial for the operation of the product (send an inquiry, check the progress of the project).


The problem

Our solution



The objective of this testing is to assess the ease of use of the item’s interface, that is, convenience, productivity, and client fulfillment. Participants were asked to test this feature:

Remote Moderated Usability Testing

Moderated usability testing is a usability testing technique that involves the active participation of a trained facilitator or moderator. This method requires expert knowledge of the product being tested. They are in charge of administering tasks, guiding participants, recording behaviors and comments, answering questions, and replying to their feedback about the test – all in real-time.

In remote moderated testing, users and facilitators are in the same “virtual” space at the same time — the facilitator is watching the usability test remotely as it happens, and communicating directly to them via online software.

Moderated sessions allow for back and forth between the participant and facilitator, because both are online simultaneously. The facilitator is in charge of administering tasks, guiding participants, recording behaviors and comments, answering questions, and replying to their feedback about the test – all in real-time. Facilitators can ask questions for clarification or dive into issues through additional questions after tasks are completed.

Why did we choose this method?

As scheduled, we planned to conduct a traditional usability testing before launching to market. However, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the participants and conductors are geographically dispersed, we had to do it remotely. Besides, Purchasing Care is a young startup, this method is also a great solution for both our team and client with a limited budget. Although we had never done it before, we decided to give ourselves a chance to practice







Since this testing was carried out remotely, we had to make sure nothing was interrupting us during the session. Beforehand, we had to check our internet speed, micro, surroundings, and we also asked participants to check theirs


Usability metric: How to measure To accomplish the mentioned goals, users had to do some tasks to source potential suppliers for a procurement project. These tasks were: Create a project ⇒ Add new item (product) ⇒ Source suppliers for this item ⇒ Sen inquiry to potential suppliers ⇒ Receive RFQ and choose a final supplier ⇒ Keep repeating until Participants choose suppliers for all items in this project.

Measure and evaluate tasks by indicators:


Task successful rates

Note: S = success, F = failure, P = partial success

Time-to-task measure

Analysis and user feedbacks

There were many things to consider after each session, and it’s hard to remember all. Therefore, debriefing at the right time helped us to capture our thoughts, which might be hard to write down. It also helped to think over what a participant showed and what they talked about. Regularly, what they did was the real key.

User feedbacks 1st time

2nd time

UI/UX feedback

Lesson learned and tips

Since it was the first time trying moderated remote usability testing, we did make some mistakes. On top of that, we had some lessons learned and tips from our experience and other experts.

It’s much easier for them to figure out the test and prepare their answers.


Thanks to the usability test, we were able to address the user’s trouble. It lets us improve the information architecture and visual hierarchy along with product performance to bring users a better experience. This reduces their effort and time to the minimum, which, in return, should drive more sales.

As we have no idea when the Covid-19 pandemic is over and work from home is strongly recommended, it’s the right time to adopt some remote methods in UX design, including Remote Moderated Usability Testing. Although there are some drawbacks, it’s still a good solution for our team, client, and test participants