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Qc Onboarding

General workflow

Click on attached URL below to get more details about our general workflow:


Access to testing resources

After you have a permission on Team’s Google Drive.

Open ~/Dwarves Foundation/Document/QA Documents to get resource files including:

Task Assigning Flows


Open ~/Dwarves Foundation/Document/QA Documents/Tools to get gitlab-issues-tools file

After that, Run this command in your terminal to get help:

./gitlab-issues-tools --help

You will get the navigation like that:

usage: gitlab-issues-tools --thing=THING --token=TOKEN --action=ACTION --project-id=PROJECT-ID [<flags>]

      --help                     Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
  -d, --debug                    enable debug mode.
      --thing=THING              which's thich that you want to know? ex: issue, users, working-hours
  -t, --token=TOKEN              gitlab token to impersonate as an user.
  -a, --action=ACTION            action to interact w object. ex: list, clone, close, export, burndown (for milestone), etc.
  -p, --project-id=PROJECT-ID    project id
      --milestone=MILESTONE      milestone id
  -l, --labels=LABELS ...        issue labels
                                 list issues will be moved
                                 to board list
                                 issue id if want to clone
                                 format: dd-mm-yyyy
                                 sprint length (weeks)
      --total-hours=TOTAL-HOURS  total hours
  -m, --milestone-id=MILESTONE-ID
                                 milestone id

For example:

To clone an issue, we can use this command

./gitlab-issues-tools -t [YOUR_GITLAB_TOKEN] -p 228 --thing issue -a clone --clone-issue-id 362

To clone export defect list for a milestone, we can use this command

./gitlab-issues-tools -t [YOUR_GITLAB_TOKEN] -p 228 --thing issue -a export --milestone 0.5.0