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Good Design Understanding

Good design is not just what looks good. It also needs to perform, convert, astonish, and fulfill its purpose. It can be innovative or it might just get the job done.

A good design cannot be measured by a finite way – multiple perspectives are needed.

What is a good UX design?

User experience (UX) focuses on having a deep understanding of users, what they need, what they value, their abilities, and also their limitations. It also takes into account the business goals and objectives of the group managing the project. UX best practices promote improving the quality of the user’s interaction with and perceptions of your product and any related services.

Before taking a closer look on what is a good UX design, there are some examples for you to feel what is a good and bad UX design:

The 7 Factors that Influence User Experience

Good design is not just what looks good. It also needs to perform, convert, astonish, and fulfill its purpose. It can be innovative or it might just get the job done.

A good design cannot be measured by a finite way – multiple perspectives are needed.


A new product should first be designed to fulfil the users’ needs.

If the design doesn’t help users to successfully achieve what they need, it’s definitely not a good design. It doesn’t matter how good it looks if it doesn’t even accomplish the main purpose of its existence.


A product should be designed that it is easy to use. If it takes so much time for the users to get what they want out of the product, they would be likely to find another product with less struggles to deal with.

Improving the ease of use of the product is the work of interaction designers. It is including the ease of learning and efficiency.

Designers in all three disciplines seek to create product features that are easily discovered and operated by the user. Usability engineers are concerned with aspects of the user experience, that include:


Accessibility is the ability to access (i.e., use and/or interact with) a product or service. In the design context, accessibility means that a product or service should be able to be used by everyone, regardless of a person’s physical, economic or cultural status. Studies have shown that accessible design benefits not only users with disabilities but everyone.

There are four main types of impairment that will commonly affect digital projects: sight, hearing, touch and cognitive. Don’t rely on one sense alone to make your product or feature usable, but instead allow multiple forms of interaction and communication where possible — for example enabling text-to-speech functions for visually impaired users.


Are We Solving for the Right Pain Point?

A test for desirability focuses on whether your solution is a nice to have or a must have for your customer. Ask yourself,

If you are solving the key pain points they encounter when trying to complete this task, your solution has met the test for desirability. If not, and there are other pain points that you haven’t addressed, then pivoting your solution might put you on a better path.

To achieve ‘desirability’, design should be modeled on the following three levels of cognitive and emotional processing:


Credibility relates to the ability of the user to trust in the product that you’ve provided. Not just that it does the job that it is supposed to do but that it will last for a reasonable amount of time and that the information provided with it is accurate and fit-for-purpose.

It is nearly impossible to deliver a user experience if the user thinks the product creator is a lying - a clown with bad intentions – they’ll take their business elsewhere instead.

Here are Jason Cranford Teague’s nine design principles for creating credibility-based user experience:

Trustworthiness in Web Design: 4 Credibility Factors


Findable refers to the idea that the product must be easy to find and in the instance of digital and information products; the content within them must be easy to find too. If you cannot find a product, you’re not going to buy it and that is true for all potential users of that product.


Value refers to being able to provide a user experience that is enriching the lives of your consumers.

Finally, the product must deliver value. It must deliver value to the business which creates it and to the user who buys or uses it. Without value, it is likely that any initial success of a product will eventually be undermined.

What is a good UI Design

User interface (UI) design is the design of user interfaces for software or machines, such as the look of a mobile app, with a focus on ease of use and pleasurability for the user. UI design usually refers to the design of graphical user interfaces—but can also refer to others, such as natural and voice user interfaces.


60–30–10 Rule

60% is your dominant hue, 30% is secondary color and 10% is for accent color.

This formula works because it creates a sense of balance and allows the eye to move comfortably from one focal point to the next. It’s also incredibly simple to use.

Color meaning Scientists have studied the physiological effects of certain colors for centuries. Besides aesthetics, colors are the creators of emotions and associations. The meaning of colors can vary depending on culture and circumstances.

Contrast Color contrast is a key part of any visual composition. It brings the individuality for each UI element and makes all of them noticeable. User interfaces containing only shades from the same color family have fewer chances to draw users’ attention. Moreover, copy content in this UI will look illegible which make the interactions with a product almost impossible.


Readability Readable text affects how users process the information in the content. Poor readability scares readers away from the content. On the other hand, done correctly, readability allows users to efficiently read and take in the information in the text. You want users to be able to read your content and absorb it easily.


Layout is the visual organization and composition you give to all the visual objects that make up your design.

The layout and design holds power with your audience at two levels:

Layout-&-design has three primary goals:

Some layout rules:


Consistency is a key principle in life and in design. Without it we can’t get far. Even the mightiest of problems will fall if you keep hacking it everyday!

Benefits of consistency: