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Fabric Hyperledger Architecture Explanation

What is Hyperledger

Hyperledger is an open source community focused on developing a suite of stable frameworks, tools and libraries for enterprise-grade blockchain deployments.

It serves as a neutral home for various distributed ledger frameworks including Hyperledger Fabric, Sawtooth, Indy, as well as tools like Hyperledger Caliper and libraries like Hyperledger Ursa.

Key concept of Blockchain in Hyperledger

A Distributed Ledger

Records all the transactions that take place on the network

Replicated across many network participants, each of whom collaborate in its maintenance

Smart Contracts

Self-executing contract if match pre-defined rules


Hyperledger Fabric Models


Asset definitions enable the exchange of almost anything with monetary value over the network as a collection of key-value pairs.


Enforces the rules for defining, modifying assets, it’s the business logic. Execute against the ledger’s current state database and initiated through a transaction proposal -> results in a set of key-value writes that can be submitted to the network and applied to the ledger on all peers.


Ledger is the sequenced, tamper-resistant record of all state transactions in the fabric. There is one ledger per channel, each peer maintains a copy of the ledger of their channels.

Permissioned Vs Permissionless

Similarities Both are unalterable digitally signed ledgers which are distributed through peer-to-peer network Both maintain ledgers which are updated through a protocol named as consensus. Both claim to maintain an immutable ledger


  1. Permissioned

→ More control on the central level, more private -> use for B2B business models

  1. Permissionless

→ Easier to join, widely access, globally accept -> cryptocurrency

Hyperledger Architecture


The actors in a blockchain network(peers, orderers, client applications, administrators..) has a digital identity encapsulated in an X.509 digital certificate. - Properties of an actor’s identity(organization, organizational unit, role..) wrap as Unique ID.

PKIs (public key infrastructure)

Is a collection of internet technologies that provides secure communications in a network.

Base on the properties of a peer, cryptography constructing a pair of public and private key(prevent reading messages by third parties), Certificate Authority(CA) is an entity that issues this digital certificates, allows relying parties to rely upon signatures or on assertions made about the private key that corresponds to the certified public key. So that, any message passing to a peer can only be read by this peer.

MSP (Membership Service Provider)

Identifies which Root CAs and Intermediate CAs are trusted to define the members of a trust domain. Also identify specific roles an actor might play either within the scope of the organization the MSP represents, defining access privileges in the context of a network and channel.

MSP level

Transaction Flow from Application