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Introducing HTMX - Navigating the Advantages and Concerns

What is HTMX

HTMX is a hypermedia-oriented Javscript library for creating dynamic website with minimal Javascript code. Specifically, it extend HTML as a hypermedia and address the issues with legacy HTML applications. Giving user access to AJAX, Websocket, Server Sent Event (SSE), Css Transition, …


Hypermedia-Oriented approach involves clients and servers sharing a common understanding of a set of hypermedia elements in data representations. Clients can use elements to trigger requests, navigate states while Servers provide the necessary hypermedia options in the responses. In this way, any modification in server side wont break the client application as long as the client can recognize the defined hypermedia options.

The Core Concept Of HTMX

Extending HTML with Attributes

HTMX extend the core idea of HTML as a hypertext by adding additional anchor attributes for allowing more possibilities such as:

<input type="text" name="q"
    hx-trigger="keyup changed delay:500ms"
<div id="search-results"></div>

This example showcases how HTMX simplifies the creation of interactive user interfaces. It replaces the need for extensive JavaScript (or the need for React) code in various common UI techniques, including infinite scrolling, toasts, conditional rendering, loading indicators, error handling, paging, and websockets and SSE integration. HTMX offers a more streamlined approach to web development. Explore more examples

The role of Javascript in Htmx

While HTMX aims to minimize the need for JavaScript, it still provides a small set of APIs for interaction with HTMX. For instance, these method are tailored to support htmx-styled AJAX requests:

htmx.ajax('GET', '/example', '#myDiv')

htmx.ajax('GET', '/example', {target:'#myDiv', swap:'outerHTML'})

htmx.ajax('GET', '/example', '#myDiv').then(() => {
    // this code will be executed after the 'htmx:afterOnLoad' event,
    // and before the 'htmx:xhr:loadend' event
    console.log('Content inserted successfully!');

Server Generate Events

HTMX also facilitates the triggering of events on the client-side, based on server responses. For instance, a response containing the header HX-Trigger: contacts-updated will trigger the contacts-updated event at the specified HTML element, and the corresponding event listener will be activated.

<table hx-get="/contacts/table" hx-trigger="contacts-updated from:body"> (2)

    document.body.addEventListener("contacts-updated", function(evt){
        alert("contacts-updated was triggered!");

Or listen only to the status code of server responses

document.body.addEventListener('htmx:beforeSwap', function(evt) { (1)
    if(evt.detail.xhr.status === 404){ (2)
    // If the response code is a 404, show the user a dialog

More about Htmx Usage

The Advantages Of HTMX

Minimal Of Javacsript - Reduce Development Complexity

HTMX reduces an amount of Javascript code needed to create a dynamic Web applications. This approach leads to a more cleaner and maintainable code base.

Improved Performance

HTMX is lightweight, leading to faster initial page loads and reduced client-side processing. This results in a better user experience, especially for web applications with frequent UI updates. However, in large-scale applications with frequent UI updates, React is better in performance thanks to its virtual DOM.

Locality of Behaviour (LoB)

HTMX emphasizes the locality of behavior, enabling developers to understand code functionality within a small, self-contained portion. This enhances code transparency and maintainability while streamlining development efforts.

Product Agility

HTMX works in improving product agility as it has been proven in a real-world transition from React to htmx.

The Concerns With HTMX

Violation of Separation of Concerns (SOC)

HTMX can blur the lines between data management and presentation, as backends must respond with HTMX content rather than traditional RESTful APIs with Json. As a result, some many different clients such as mobile app, browser, … might not able to consume the API.

Trade-Offs in Control

Using HTMX mean shifting in the balance of control between the client and server. The client is kept as “slim” as possible and do all the “heavy lifting” on the Backend. While, this might be a good thing for Backend Engineers but may require adjustments in development practices.

When To Use ?

HTMX is a game-changer in web development, streamlining your codebase and team dynamics. Consider HTMX when your website:

HTMX may not be the best fit when:


HTMX offers a fresh approach to web development, enhancing product agility and simplifying the creation of dynamic, interactive web applications. While it comes with some considerations, it opens up new possibilities in web development and offers an appealing alternative to traditional JavaScript frameworks.
