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Quick Learning Vector Database

Motivation of Vector Database

  • The motivation of this thoughts that trying to discover the LLMs and Generative AI
  • In order to create or build, train any models there are multiple factors will need to be considered: lakes of data, metadata, data management, infrastructure, etc.
  • Vector Databases are used like underlying of Gen AI
  • Where everything are tokenized, vectorized and serialized into a single language
  • Explored blog posts, articles from What is a AWS Vector Database?

Learning Notes

  • Data from internet/database/users are inputted and converted and encoded (video, speech, images, text, etc.) to a vector using a vector embedding model such as Gemini, OpenAI, etc.

  • Developing Products: Drant*, Milvus*, redis, pgvector(extension), Pinecone, LanceDB, oracle, MongoDB(Atlas), AthenaDB

  • Different with Relation DB where in Vector Database has multiple dimensions (legacy from multi-dimensional data model)

  • Data structure: save the vector; don’t define the structure for the table.

  • How to query data? Query the vector that is similar to others in DB base on algorithms (KNN and could be different/better model as I think)

  • Indexing the data in the database, Indexing Algorithms: Flat, HNSW, IVF ==> I think we have room for optimizing the caches and indexes.

  • Working flow of Vector Database with Gen AI:

    • An embedding model converts the data to a vector data structure. (We need to optimize the algorithm for the huge of parameters)
    • Convert the input(end-user) to a vector.
    • Querying data in the database.
    • Compare the query vector with the database/cache to find out the resources in the DB
  • Diagram to describe the Working Flow

  • Benefits:

    • Flexibility: schemaless, non-structured
    • Scalability: bucketing data, dynamic programming
    • Speed/ performance: Search vector
    • Standardization: formatting all data into a single format
  • Use cases:

    • Feeding Realtime data for LLMs models
    • Resolving searching problems
    • Serving Video/Image recognition problems
    • Better similarity recommendation with contexts and situations
  • Technical Challenges:

    • Performance: indexing for Flat (elastic search, redis, pgvector) querying using vector
    • Optimize long-term caching memory
    • Hardware optimization for hosting and computing data
    • Improve KNN performance models

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Quick Learning Vector Database
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