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Adoption Of Pnpm

We’re excited to share that the Dwarves team has officially decided to switch to pnpm as our primary package management tool. After careful evaluation, we found that pnpm is widely embraced by the development community and has been successfully used by great teams at Vercel, Nx, and Chakra UI.

Previously, we were using Yarn V1 classic, but as our projects grew, we faced challenges with disk space and slow installations. To streamline our development workflow, we explored pnpm and conducted thorough tests. The results were promising, proving pnpm to be efficient and reliable.

Now, we have successfully migrated all major internal tools to pnpm, and it’s already making a positive impact on our development speed and productivity. We’ve also started incorporating pnpm into some client projects.

Though we encountered some difficulties with hoisted dependencies in monorepos during the migration process, the overall effort was worthwhile, contributing to our team’s enhanced efficiency.

We extend our thanks to the Toan Ho, Hai Huynh, Hien Le and Chinh Le who actively participated in the evaluation and migration process. Your help has been crucial in this successful adoption.

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