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How to talk to ChatGPT effectively

ChatGPT, an advanced language model by OpenAI, offers a unique way to interact with AI. The quality of results depends on the information and how well you craft your input. Then, it’s essential to understand how to talk with ChatGPT effectively.

How can you talk with ChatGPT?

Start by entering a message or prompt to begin the conversation. It’s like a text-based chat with another person, but your interlocutor is AI. A prompt can include instructions, questions, context, inputs, or examples. Using these elements effectively can improve the quality of the results.

How AI responds to the prompts?

AI systems like ChatGPT, Claude, and Gemini use natural language processing and machine learning. This allows them to understand conversational prompts, making the quality of the prompt crucial for the output’s relevance and quality.

To effectively communicate and maximize the potential of ChatGPT, you need some strategies:

  1. Understand Your Objective: Clearly define what you want to achieve with your prompt. Is it information, creativity, or problem-solving?
  2. Keep It Clear and Concise: Avoid overly complex or vague prompts. Clarity leads to better AI responses.
  3. Context Matters: Provide enough background for the AI to understand the scenario but avoid unnecessary information.
  4. Experiment and Iterate: Don’t hesitate to refine your prompts based on the responses you get. Iteration is key to finding the most effective wording.
  5. Consider Your Audience: Tailor your prompt based on who will interact with or benefit from the AI’s response.
  6. Evaluate and Adapt: Continuously assess the effectiveness of your prompts and be ready to adapt as needed.

Here are two examples of prompt input for thesis topic about DeFi, and the resulting output from ChatGPT. It is obvious that instead of listing like the output of prompt 1, that of prompt 2 provides more valueable and usable information.

What make the difference of these two?

What are 5 principles of an effective prompt?

Give Direction

The direction should describe the desired style in detail, or reference a relevant persona. You can design effective prompts for various simple tasks by using commands to instruct the model what you want to achieve, such as “Write”, “Classify”, “Summarize”, “Translate”, “Order”, etc. You should also provide the context, which includes specifying a particular time period, geographical location, the role you want to play, or any other relevant limitations.

Specify Format

Be very specific about the instruction and task you want the model to perform. The more descriptive and detailed the prompt is, the better the results. This is particularly important when you have a desired outcome or style of generation you are seeking.

Define what rules to follow, and the required structure of the response.

Provide Examples

Using prompts and examples can enhance the clarity of your question and guide Chat GPT in understanding the desired output. By providing sample inputs or expected formats, you can communicate your expectations effectively and receive more tailored responses.

Evaluate Quality

You need to identify errors and rate responses, testing what drives performance.

Divide Labor

You should split tasks into multiple steps, chained together for complex goals.

Prompt Pattern

Output customization

1. Give persona

2. Give template

Context control
