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Writing Management Objectives In Smart

S.M.A.R.T. goals are a relatively new idea. In 1981, George T. Doran, a consultant and former director of corporate planning for Washington Water Power Company, published a paper called, “There’s a S.M.A.R.T. Way to Write Management’s Goals and Objectives.” In the document, he introduces S.M.A.R.T. goals as a tool to create criteria to help improve the chances of succeeding in accomplishing a goal

S – Specific

When setting a goal, be specific about what you want to accomplish. Think about this as the mission statement for your goal. This isn’t a detailed list of how you’re going to meet a goal, but it should include an answer to the popular ‘w’ questions:

Incorrect Goal: Make a cross - browser layout of the www.site.com. Correct Goal: www.site.com must be equally displayed in browsers IE6+, Opera 6+, and Firefox 2+ Incorrect Goal: Make a valid layout of the www.site.com. Correct Goal: www.site.com must completely pass check validators w3c.org

M – Measurable

What metrics are you going to use to determine if you meet the goal? This makes a goal more tangible because it provides a way to measure progress. If it’s a project that’s going to take a few months to complete, then set some milestones by considering specific tasks to accomplish.

Incorrect Goal: Increase traffic on the site. Correct Goal: The traffic on the site must be 2,000 visitors per day. Incorrect Goal: Make every visitor to buy more. Correct Goal: Increase the sum of an average check by 10%.

A – Achievable/Attainable

This focuses on how important a goal is to you and what you can do to make it attainable and may require developing new skills and changing attitudes. The goal is meant to inspire motivation, not discouragement. Think about how to accomplish the goal and if you have the tools/skills needed. If you don’t currently possess those tools/skills, consider what it would take to attain them.

R – Relevant

Relevance refers focusing on something that makes sense with the broader business goals. For example, if the goal is to launch a new product, it should be something that’s in alignment with the overall business objectives. Your team may be able to launch a new consumer product, but if your company is a B2B that is not expanding into the consumer market, then the goal wouldn’t be relevant.

T – Time-Bound

Anyone can set goals, but if it lacks realistic timing, chances are you’re not going to succeed. Providing a target date for deliverables is imperative. Ask specific questions about the goal deadline and what can be accomplished within that time period. If the goal will take three months to complete, it’s useful to define what should be achieved half-way through the process. Providing time constraints also creates a sense of urgency

Incorrect Goal: Make on the website the section “Contact Us” for a demonstration to the client by tomorrow.Correct Goal: Make on the website the section “Contact Us” for demonstration to the client by noon 6/10/2016.

Example: Email Subscription Goal

SMART Goal: In 3 months, we’ll see a 50% increase in the number of our email blog subscribers by increasing our Facebook advertising budget on posts that historically acquire the most blog subscribers