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The Dwarves Culture Handbook

For the past 5 years, we didn’t have something called ‘Culture Book’. Whenever a newbie steps in, it’s natural to pick up the job and go with the flow. We hardly force them into other periodical office traps like team-bonding activities or late night drinks. It’s likely to be ‘Hey it’s your birthday give us a treat’; and next thing you know, 30 milk tea or coffee orders are on the way.

Sounds familiar?

We don’t picture this workplace as a magic land that nurtures your dreams and surrounds you with adorable people. That’s what happens in a kindergarten. People eventually leave when they discover and ‘friendlier’ playground.

Instead of introducing a list of exciting bonding crap, make yourself comfy with some significant places where engaging talks are likely to transpire. The kitchen corner, the sofa bench in the master room, or the balcony sometimes. We also spend most of our days shooting the breeze on our Discord Channels. If you’re not much of a social butterfly, try to take the first steps from those chatrooms.

Or spend less than 20 minutes scanning through the Dwarves Culture Handbook

It conveys our spirit and everything that made us who we are. In a broader context, it defines our belief and what we aim to follow in the future. It speaks the original aspects at Dwarves Foundation. It took time to build through observation, through the day-to-day at the office, through the message or the pings. It’s what occurs and forms through times when no one is watching.

Craftsmanship - Teamwork and Sustainable. No matter which chapter you’re in, let’s keep in mind that this book revolves around these core values. We couldn’t be more proud to keep living it, and passing it through the juniors.

Given that, the version you’re holding is definitely not the last edition. Just like software, we change. Consistently. And we hope you can become a significant part, in one way or another.