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Conduct A Meeting

Meeting has always played an integral part in every corporate office. To optimize a productive meeting, it is vital to conduct individuals gathering without wasting time and directly get to the point, to deliver new information or discuss crucial issues.

And that begins with a smooth collaboration between these following essential aspects.



Meetings can often be awry due to a vague agenda. A specific and detailed meeting purpose will save attendees from meaningless gap during those 30 or 60 minutes of gathering. Meeting host’s responsibility is to provide people with the topic that needs to be discussed or argued as attendees must prepare their perspectives and opinions towards it.

A clarified agenda rewards people with a clarified outcome.

Participants confirmation

Invited participants are required to submit their confirmation at least three hours before the meeting begins. By the time he or she receives the meeting schedule through email, they are asked to respond with a confirmation of attendance of absence.

Should the participant cannot be able to attend the meeting, a reasonable explanation must be filled in and delivered on the same day.

Meeting minute

With the importance of recording what was done and what needs to be followed up, meeting minutes are considered a great value. It stores things that were discussed and decided, actions that must be taken and people who in charge.

Meeting minutes are usually recorded by a secretary, but at Dwarves, these can be done by any appointed individual and should include the following things: