0) { selectedRecent = recentPages[0]; selectedSection = 'recents'; }">
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Back up Artifact
Why do we need artifacts?
- Track the project’s progress against the plan, making it easier to manage and control
- Future team members can learn from past projects, understanding the decisions made, the problems faced, and how they were solved
- Smoothen the handover and onboarding process, track record, and trace back if needed.
Artifacts Checklist
Every 3 monts, we update and synchronize project charters and artifacts below.
Backup all source codes
- If applicable, establish a pull process to back up all source code
Project charter
- Description: What is the purpose of the project and which problem the product solve?
- Project scope: Which function our team involved our team?
- Tech stack: Which tech stack our team provide?
- Stakeholders: Who you work with and their roles
- Resource allocation: Which role is assigned to whom?
- Meetings: When the meeting is setup and for which purpose
- Communication channels
- Changelog: Link to the current changelog directory which record the updates of the team’s work
- What would the team do in the next 3 months?
High-level diagrams (with description for the function of each component)
- ERD or class diagram
- Container diagram
- Component diagram
- Infrastructure diagram
Flow, activity or state machine diagrams for core or complex features.
- Project description
- How to install and run source code
- How to contribute (coding convention, explanation of source structure and architecture…)
Potential issues, roadblocks
Mentioned in
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