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Beyond The Title

The Common Dilemma

  1. You’re only paid that much to do that much
  2. We only pay you that much if you can do only that much

It’s the scenario that people measure and expect their effort should be traded into paychecks. Employers issue fixed rates for labors, while employees refuse to do things that are not in the job description. It gradually forms a mindset where people decide to work “enough” to get paid and miss out on the chance to discover their self-limitation.

Give and Take

We develop a tendency to think outside the box. It’s a part of our hiring culture. We’d want to see if what we produce matters rather than asking for benefits before rolling up the sleeves. At the end of the day, the result is all we care about.

Pay the upfront cost, take a longer landsight, and the math will add up in the end. Tweaking the plan with long-term thinking.

Fail. Explore. Grow

We want to make impacts or influence people in some ways. That doesn’t happen if we wait for the right moment because there isn’t. Taking the shot means opening the door to mistakes and failures, and that’s a good thing. We learn from them.

Once the urge to outgrow ourselves knocks on the door, sitting idly isn’t an option. There are always more rooms to explore if we have exceeded the current role. Making a career at our place takes more than the scope of work and performance review. We long for people to stick with us in the long term, and there’s only one way to get there: Become better not only at the role but also as a team.

Become Better

It performs in many aspects, but these two receive a big encouragement.

As a role

An organization with people collaborating effectively is more valuable than having many top-notch individuals who refuse to work with each other. Be willing to support if that benefits the team’s mutual goal. Raise issues, give feedback and communicate with constructive intention. Be a team player. Be someone that people can count on.

As a team

We explore and share. No matter if the work happens with ourselves or it’s a team thing, knowledge is meant for transfer. Every little detail makes the big picture more worthy of looking at. We build and fix along the way. We leave things better than when we found them.

The Title Matters

Of course, it does. But titles have nothing much to do with the day-to-day work routine. In fact, it raises the responsible bar.

Titles hands you the accountability for your decision. You’re in charge of the success and the failure, the orders and the messes. It’s where your move starts to affect others, and it forces you to act right. Where your voice influences and spreads the common belief to the subordinates. It shows that you’ve gone far from where you begin, and you’re capable of going further.

With us, fancy titles exist when the contribution generates a positive impact. We also believe in how great leaders create other leaders, and we cherish every effort to make room for people to go beyond their titles.