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What's New in January 2024

Before you dive in Dwarves is operated as a 50% company, 50% community. Everything we learn along the way of work, we transform into knowledge and distribute back to our tech community.

If you want to get in touch, visit Dwarves Network

In this first month of 2024, we kept tap of what’s brewing in the tech market, while reviewing what we went through in 2023.

Reporting tech signals

Every month we watch tech trends closely to depict which ones have high potential, and can be part of our growing tech stack.

This month highlights:

For the full read, [you can view our market report here](playground/01_literature/market report jan 2024.md).

Monthly top performers

Each month we track how productive and valuable each of our team members by using delivery points. The top 5 high-performing members get rewards with $ICY.

In January, kudos to those peeps who outperformed the rest: Ngoc Thanh, Chinh Le, Cuong Mai, Tai Pham, Phat Nguyen

Dwarves’ 2023 in review

2023 consisted of shifts and changes almost every step of the way. We managed to pull through, and it’s all because of the hard work of our members, along with the trust from our clients & partners.

Our top ten achievements through 2023 are chosen by voting from everyone. With half of them are team-related, while the other half are community-related, it shows we are still on the right path to “50% company, 50% community”.

Read through our full 2023 recap:

Dwarves’ YEP 2023

We chose to host our YEP 2023 earlier than most companies, so that our team members can go home a bit earlier, spending a bit more time with their loved ones.

Our YEP is also a bit different. It’s a full one-day event filled with multiple activities, as we aim for teamwork, team bonding and also, tremendous fun.

Thank you to all the team members, partners, alumni and community members who joined in with us. We hope to have more fun things for everyone to take part in next year.
