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What's New in February 2024

Reporting tech signals

Every month we watch tech trends closely to depict which ones have high potential, and can be part of our growing tech stack.

This month highlights:

[Read the full report here](playground/01_literature/market report feb 2024.md)

Research Topics 2024

Being able to solve problems using the latest, coolest technologies has always been our main goal. Therefore, we are going big on research this year.

A handful of community members has expressed interest in joining hands. Of course, we’re happy to have everyone onboard. However, we will need to assess each contributor’s skills and experience first for quality purpose.

If you want to join our research group, open a support ticket on our Discord and we’ll talk to you asap!

Dwarves’ Reward System

Our server has been buzzing with quite a lot of knowledge sharing and discussing from members. It’s only right that we start giving back to all contributors, through a Reward System.

ICYMI, ICY is Dwarves’ very own token used to reward both team members and community members. Anyone can earn ICY by participating in community activities. Even the simplest acts like sharing a link, or chatting count too.

Our reward system is currently being developed. You can look forward to it!

Monthly top performers

Each month we track how productive and valuable each of our team members by using delivery points. The top 5 high-performing members get rewards with $ICY.

In February, kudos to those peeps who outperformed the rest: Chinh Le, Hai Huynh, Khac Vy, Tai Pham, Tay Nguyen!

Partner Network

We are always seeking for business development partners, individuals and companies likewise, to develop a co-creation system driven by mutual purposes and interests.

With our average proejct size at $30,000, a partner can generate at least $2,400 per project. Commission is paid from project start, every month until project end.

But a stable income is not all we offer, there are [other perks and benefits](partners network) too!

Reach out to Nikki if you’re interested or know someone who might :)