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What's New in November 2023

Last November, we kicked off the Labs team, introduced Salary Advance for the Dwarves, upgraded note.d.foundation, supported Golang meetup, and demonstrated craftsmanship through various case studies and demos.

Launching Labs team

With Labs team, it’s all about researching cool, industry-moving technologies and producing practical use cases using those tech. In our backlog: WASM, Passwordless, Rust, AI, MPC, UI practices, Elixir, Golang.

Head to November Forward Engineering for more details.

Monthly top performers

Each month we track how productive and valuable each of our team members by using delivery points. For now, the top 5 high-performing members get rewards with $ICY. In Nov, kudos to those peeps who outperformed the rest: Hai Huynh, Chinh Le, Phat Nguyen, Minh Tran, Ngoc Thanh.

Last month we also shipped quite a number of features for our clients: time-sensitive alarms for a trading platform, money transfer with Mochi, live annotation for various content formats, user signup/login flow at kiosks.

Coming next: NFT badges. NFT badges can be staked to earn shares of the company.

Salary Advance

Dwarves’ team members now can get an advance of up to 25% of their monthly salary. The payment is made in $ICY and can be redeemed via https://icy.so

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Join our team

We are looking for the following talents to join our team

Email us at spawn@d.foundation or ping @nikki on Discord for JDs / to refer someone you know. TIA!