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Happy 2023

As we enter a new year, I want to reflect on the role that software has played in my life. From the early days of my career to now, software has been a constant presence and something that I have dedicated countless hours to as both an engineer and project manager. I have put in over 10,000 hours of work in this field, and it has become an integral part of my existence.

Not only is software a crucial aspect of my personal life, but it is also a vital part of humanity’s technological advancements. The history of software development stretches back to the 1940s, with the first mechanical computer, the Babbage Difference Engine, designed by Charles Babbage in 1822. Even further back, in 1843, mathematician Ada Lovelace published an algorithm intended to be carried out by Charles Babbage’s Engine, making it the first computer program.

As we look at the current state of software and consider the future, it is clear that software will continue to evolve and shape our world. The old generation of software has already made its mark in history, the current generation is displaying its importance, and the next generation of software will be different. And we, as members of this exciting industry, have the opportunity to shape and participate in this evolution.

I know that for many people, software is simply seen as a tool for living or as a job opportunity. However, I believe there is a deeper meaning to being a part of this industry. This year, I want to remind us of the significance of our roles and the impact we can have on shaping the future.

For Dwarves 2.x, our goal has always been to be a borderless software firm. As we move into 2022, we are one step closer to achieving this goal. We strive to operate in new and efficient ways, different from the rest. Some of us are working with our peers to help ship their software, while others are building their own projects and striving for excellence. We are all making our way towards achieving excellence in our field.

As I always say, coding to survive is basic, shipping software with pride is admirable, but building a software empire is truly fulfilling. My dream is for Dwarves to be present around the globe, building and shipping the things they love with their preferred setup, all while having fun.

Last year, my theme was Elixir for everything, and I will continue working on it this year. I believe that this technology has the potential to revolutionize software development and I am excited to see the advancements it will bring in the future.

I wish everyone health and prosperity in the new year. Good luck to us all as we continue to strive for greatness in our field.