Our Daily Standup Format
tags: scrum
Our Daily Standup Format
Report Template
Team: Your team
+ [Task ID] : What did you work on the task yesterday and what is the status of the task
+ The other things (no name tasks) that you worked on or participated in
+ [Task ID]: What are you going to work on today?
+ The other things (no name tasks) that you are going to work or participate in
+ [Task ID]: What is blocking you?
Report Examples
Team: Mobile - iOS
+ Sprint Planing
+ MOB-1204 Start do refactor VehicleCheck from Oleg, in order to implement new VC feature. I realize the current structure, which implemented by Oleg doesn't work well with new feature.
+ MOB-1204: Start fetching Vechicle Check data and fill to data source.
+ Participate LLRA Android app meeting
+ Fill and double check Android LLRA ticket
+ Carry on working MOB-1204: Fetching Vehicle Check Data with new structure
+ None