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From Data To Backend An Apprentice Sharing

For My Anh*, Dwarves Foundation Apprenticeship has surpassed a traditional training program concept. With her, it’s been a huge shift: A supportive team that embraces her for who she is and unlocks her capabilities to grow in ways she never imagined. *

Data & Backend

Dwarves Apprentices, batch of 2022

How did you first envision the Dwarves Apprenticeship Program?

“I expected it would be a stepping stone to reinforcing my software development skillset. As the agenda covers project work in different fields, I think it would provide specific working processes for each project type and how to level up team collaboration.”

What are you working on? What is the toughest point you’re hitting?

“I’m working alongside Huy Nguyen on a web3 project for Console Labs. The real challenge kicked in when I faced the programming techniques, learned to understand the prebuilt source code and figured out my solution approach. It’s brand new and I’m lucky to have all the backup needed, especially from Huy Nguyen & Khoi Ngo, for their review, feedback and guidelines in such details.”

You stepped into this woodland as a Data Analyst. What changed your mind about moving forward as a Backend Engineer?

“I spent 2 years in Data Science. As I said, I expected this program would advance and turn me into a better-skilled Data Scientist. But the practical side of Dwarves Foundation Apprenticeship called for my interaction with other roles as a team.

Working alongside other Backend Engineers led to many exciting fields: Database solutions, algorithms, logic design, …etc.

New chances are opened up, and going from Data to Backend sounds like a promising decision.”

Was it a hard call?

“Indeed. I didn’t have much experience in software programming, let alone Golang. The progress was slow since I must consolidate different knowledge pieces in many areas. It’s an exciting yet challenging path.

It’s great to know that your ideas are listened to, and can always receive absolute support. Rather than a mentee, they considered me a real peer - trust me with the progress and let me work on what I’ve never touched on before.”

Do you find the training topics useful for your work?

“Some topics don’t pop up in my daily work, so I’d prefer to pick up those I apply almost every day, such as Visual Studio Code, Github and especially the data or backend-related.

As Dwarves is expanding its L&D sector, we’re encouraged to participate in the weekly Radio Talk, events and tech training hosted by lecturers of universities.”

How have you grown as a technologist in your time here?

“My foundation was layered with software development principles, concepts and real-case practices. I picked up Golang, obviously, and widened my expertise in blockchain/ web3 sectors. But on top of that, I get to be the manager of my work and continuously upgrade myself as a real engineer.”

So what’s your upcoming plan for the next My Anh?

“I’m still on the way to enforcing the software engineer foundation and discovering what more I’m capable of. Backend and Data Science will probably be my next pursuit. The introvert me still working out how to bond with the rest of the team, but I sense that things should be fine since I’ve felt like a part of them already.”

As Apprentices are hitting their Performing stage, we’re excited to follow and note down their sharing. It might be up and down, easy and rough, feedbacks & lesson learned.

But at the end of the day, it stays real and constructive to grow us all a better squad.

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