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Data Pipeline Design Framework

Motivation of Designing Data Pipeline Framework

To improve and strongly go-live the data pipeline, besides apply best practices and pillar for Data Pipeline Native Solution, a design framework and pattern are robustly help us in:

Its easy to follow if we will discuss the pattern and solution with SWAT and pros/cons analysis and aks ourself for initiative questions such as: when to use and when not to use.

Choosing your data pipeline by

1. Ask Question

2. Source and Sink

Before designing data pipeline and perform magic in data movement, we have to understand where we are and where we will go to help us direct the proper direction.

2.1 Source replayability

Can we answer question What did the data look like n period ago (n can be min/hour/day/months/years) ? To able to answer that question, the data source need to support a data journey from every state of data. For example, Event stream, web server logs, delta change in database likes create/update/delete (CDC), ect.

2.2 Source Ordering

Does source system is event streaming or log-out event and push data into data pipeline in order? Especially streaming data. List of techniques are using to handle such as “backoff”, “watermaking”, “handling late event” need to be address when dealing with order events.

2.3 Sink Overwritability

Overwrite is required to prevent duplication of data processing and makes data more controllable and avoid partial data when pipeline fails. The unique key is used for tracking and overwriting data in:

3. Data pipeline patterns

Before jumping into any specific or pattern of system design for data pipeline, remember Every solution need to be under consideration (pros/cons), there are 3 questions referred from experts in data foundation:

  1. Extraction: How the data in source systems will be ingested (pull/push) ?
  2. Behavior: When an error occurs, how data pipeline will re-act to ? (self-healing/bypass/refill)
  3. Structural: What is the structure and variety of processing layer of task/transformation in data pipeline (multi-hop routing)

Now, detailing what we are taking

3.1 Extraction

3.1.1 Time ranged/Delta

Data pipeline only pulls the data corresponding to a specific time frame like daily/hourly/… Notes: we need to update sink/destination reasonably by Slowly Changing on table to capture current state of data.

3.1.2 Snapshot

Data pipeline scan and pull entire data from the source, and we need a additional column named run_id (on Database or new folder in cloud storage system) that uniquely identifies each pipeline run. Later used for data versioning.

3.1.3 Lookback

As an advanced data processing, lookback helps to handle source system which are continuously update and has late arriving events for particular record. That help to answer aggregate metric for the past n period because the data in fact table being changed.

3.1.4 Streaming

Each record flows through data pipeline with enriched, registered, filtered, ect as needed. This is popular topic on market because users want to see the data as soon as possible

3.2 Behavioral

3.2.1 Idempotent

Data pipeline does not cause duplication data/partial data/schema changes whenever it runs numerous time with the same inputs.

To implement the Idempotent data pipeline: the delete-write pattern is strongly recommended with highly carefulness. It require we understand sink systems mechanism.

Example: for database SQL

FROM stage_table
WHERE day = 'yyyy-mm-dd';

-- note the delete-write pattern
DELETE FROM final_table
WHERE day = 'yyyy-mm-dd';

INSERT INTO final_table(c1, c2, c3)

3.2.2 Self-healing

The straightforward design for self-healing pipeline is all unprocessed data will be “catch-up” for the next cycle run when an error occurs during a run. Whereas time ranged pipeline simply automatically run from the last checkpoint failed run before starting the run, or full snapshot doesn’t need to care historical data, or lookback pipeline will skip failed run, Self-healing behavior need a meta running table to control the checkpoint and run_id that it can be challenging during implementation.

3.3 Structural

3.3.1 Multi-hop pipeline

An idea of multi-hop is keeping data separated at different levals/layer of cleanliness. Multiple layers of transformation help:

  1. Stage/Intermediate/Marts from dbt
  2. Medallion architect from Databrick
3.3.2 Conditional/ Dynamic pipeline

Additional consideration when keep an eye on th exploding complexity when pipeline grows and evolves. The requirement may need complex flows and pipeline do have different tasks based on different condition based on input. For example, we organize tasks in pipeline when input from user changes frequently.

3.3.3 Disconnected pipeline - Connected source storage

Disconnected data pipeline depend on data sinks of other data pipelines, but careless data sources. Define boundary of data pipeline based on Ontology/Semantic

4. Conclusion

The post provides idea how to get starting to consider and figure out the best fit for resolving problem, and how a typical question made when we are asked to create and organize data flows through data pipeline.

Last but not least, because of making development go well and maintenance more efficiency, the communication and get feedback are critical important during design and implement. Apply Scum method in software development is the best of choice.

I must lack of knowledge and experience and please email me if you have any questions, comments or advices. Have a talk and make it better.