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Domain Glossary

T1: Retail 2.0


Personalized Exp

Designing or producing services and products to meet customer’s individual requirements. You’re most likely already familiar with marketing personalization

Simplified Authentication

Authentication can be one of the most significant sources of friction for your application’s users. This usability barrier can impact adoption of your product, increase the burden on support operations or product administrators and, in some cases, degrade security.

Retail 3.0

Haravan: Support offline shop on online selling to trigger O2O (standardize data structure) ––> Create the foundation for big data and 4.0

Retail 4.0

O2O - Online to Offline

- Open banking is the system of allowing access and control of consumer banking and financial accounts through third-party applications.
- Open banking has the potential to reshape the competitive landscape and consumer experience of the banking industry. 
- Open banking raises the potential for both promising gains and grave risks to consumers as more of their data is shared more widely.

T2: Open Banking

Open banking is also known as “open bank data.” Open banking is a banking practice that provides third-party financial service providers open access to consumer banking, transaction, and other financial data from banks and non-bank financial institutions through the use of application programming interfaces (APIs). Open banking will allow the networking of accounts and data across institutions for use by consumers, financial institutions, and third-party service providers. Open banking is becoming a major source of innovation that is poised to reshape the banking industry.