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Dwarves Radar Program

Dwarves Radar Program

The Dwarves have a spinning radar. This radar is how we assess and adopt new technology. Throughout the years, we observe the tech industry and pick out the most promising tech to put into the radar to begin the assessment process.

Our tech radar is highly motivated by ThoughtWork’s vision of the technology radar, which is a visual document of industry changes we find interesting as well as of what tech we have trialed and adopted in our company. The output goal of our tech radar is to create publications on what tech we see in our projects.

What is the Tech Radar about?

The visual document represents our opinions on tech and what we find useful for our use cases. Similar to ThoughtWork’s vision of the tech radar, our radar program consists of:


The quadrants consist of:


Our radar has four rings, start from the middle.

Check out our working board to learn more and check out our documentation to find out how we compose our radar.